Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day.

I used to hate Valentine's Day, esp. when I was in middle and high school..because I was never one of the pretty girls, most guys didn't spare me a glance or any attention. However there was always one person who made me smile and that was my mom. I remember one year she got me this huge basket full of candy and just little knick knacks. That gesture meant so much to me, I'll remember it forever.

As I got older I realized that even though Valentine's Day is really a hallmark holiday, its a day that lets you show love for someone. It doesn't matter who, your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife etc...its not all about lovey dovey stuff. Valentine's Day to me is so much more than that, its a day to show someone, no matter who that you love them. And for 15 years, my valentine was my mom and when I was sad that I didn't have a boy who wanted to be my Valentine, I had her. That will always mean the absolute world to me.

I really missed Eric today, we've hardly got to talk and when we do get to talk its short and I always want more time to talk to him. I'm just glad he's okay and enjoying Thailand, I hope we get get to talk soon. Overall though today was a good day though! I started my workout class, boot camp today and it went great!

It felt so good to run and stretch again, even though I am sore and I'm probably going to be hurting for a bit, I am so glad to be working out again and I can't wait to get stronger and stronger.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! One day I'll be able to spend it with you again Eric.

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