Monday, February 6, 2012

Look at how far we've come.

Today is Eric & mine's 4 year anniversary, I can't believe that we've been together for 4 years. Its absolutely insane, that first year is a complete blur, a happy, crazy blur. To me, looking back at those first few months I think of the Notebook and how Noah and Allie fought, broke up, got back together, fought, broke up, repeat over and over. But you know, it was worth it.

There were probably 2 other guys I liked in high school and frankly, looking back I think to myself..What the heck was I thinking? They were stuck up, self centered, conceited jerks and to make it even funnier, they  were  both in choir. I was so silly, head over heels for these fools. At one point I thought I even loved one of them, haha. So silly! But during my sophomore year on this day 4 years ago, the only guy who saw me when I was considered invisible asked me out. My first major boyfriend and my last.

I wouldn't change anything though, I'm glad I found Eric when I was 16, I'm glad we fought when we did, broke up when we did made us stronger, made our relationship stronger. Everyone has issues and Eric & I got ours out of the way early. Even now, if Eric and I fight...we both (esp.him) get over it quickly, because its stupid to fight with someone you care about, really it is. Our relationship is at the point where we love each other so much that it we get each other, we make mistakes but we also forgive each other. We really don't fight either, its more like silly arguments that end up with us laughing at each other.

I'm really happy right now, I may be alone today but we'll be able to celebrate our anniversary together again someday. I'm just so thankful I have my someone just for me and I really can't wait to start our lives together.

Happy Anniversary Eric, I love you.

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