Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hello October.

Its my birthday month! The leaves are starting to change color and fall is slowly making its way into our lives.  Usually I would be freaking out about it because I can't stand the cold and my allergies usually go crazy, but I'm ready for it. I want this month to fly by so it can be my birthday! I really am excited to be 21, even if its an odd number. Everyone gets excited for their 21st birthday because they can legally drink, eh, I think drinking is stupid really. A drink with dinner is fine, but drinking to get drunk is just silly to me, unnecessary. Once Eric is home though it'll be nice to be able to order a drink with him on our dates. I'm excited for that.

October is also really busy because its the month where I have my midterms, the only one I'm really freaked about is Japanese. I'm really hoping to remember all the hiragana and katakana, which is really my only issue in that class (along with a few grammar mix up's). Crossing my fingers!

The past two weeks I've been to the health center more than usual and have had my blood drawn a total of 6 times. My doctor believed I was severely anemic or had a thyroid problem, well, my results were neither. Get this, my doctor thinks I have a special type of blood called hereditary spherocytosis. 

Which means: congenital spherocytic anemia is a disorder of the surface layer (membrane) of red blood cells. It leads to red blood cells that are shaped like spheres, and premature breakdown of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia). We aren't 100% sure and are currently waiting for results from my second blood test, but my doctor believes that's why I've been so tired all the time. If I do have it, I am going to have to go see a blood specialist to get adequate care. It can be cured there are just certain things that need to be done, I should get the results soon. I just don't want to be tired anymore!

That's all I have for now~ but since it is my birthday month I decided to spice up my wish list with things I would like to get this month or what I would like for my birthday!

Pokemon Black 2, Sephora gift card  Hobby Lobby gift card  a shopping trip to Forever 21, Taylor Swift's RED CD, Birth by Sleep and a cherry blossom cake.

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