Monday, August 20, 2012

Saynora Summer Days

My summer vacation is officially over, I've moved into my dorm and in less than a week I will be starting my third year at Kent State. I really wasn't excited to go back to be honest; for the past two years I've dealt with two psycho roommates and mega, MEGA issues with my math and sciences classes. I spent hours dealing with both of those subjects and I only have 1 more math and science class to take and I am done with those subjects forever. Thank god. However, I'm only dealing with science this semester. The real challenge for me  the next few months is going to be...


I am so excited to finally, finally learn Japanese. Its been a dream of mine since I was 5, I love Japan so much and I am so happy that I can check another goal off my bucket list. Then again though, I am horrible at memorizing things..when I took Spanish in high school it was an absolute train wreck! lol.

I do have a very good feeling that this is going to be a good year at Kent for me or at least a good fall semester. I really hope it will be.

This summer I didn't get to do everything I've wanted to do and that is okay because it was mostly a good summer. I got to travel a lot! Vegas and the beach! Hocking Hills! Getting to see Eric, seeing friends, getting wedding stuff done and hanging out with my mom. It was nice.

I also learned a lot this summer, I'll just name a few.

1. My mother is always going to be right no matter how annoyed, mad, or happy I am with her.
2. Some people may be 20-30 years older than me, but they never left high school.
3. Money doesn't grow on trees
4. Animals/pets are EXPENSIVE.
5. You need to limit your access to electronics or you are seriously going to lose all track of time.
6. People may act like nice and friendly to your face, but at the end of the day they really haven't changed.
7. Never go to bed angry, you seriously won't be able to sleep.
8. Don't put things off, get things done now so you don't have to do them later.
9. Always be the bigger person.
and lastly:
10. Enjoy the time you have, enjoy now.

In exactly 4 months, Eric is going to be home from his 2 year deployment in Japan and the only thing that is standing in my way of seeing him again is this semester. I actually feel like a warrior riding into my last battle.

Bring it on Kent.

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