Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

April, May, June and July always makes me think of where I was two years ago: still in High school, fighting to get out of there and waiting for Eric to finish with boot camp. It was one of the worst and best experiences of my life; running to the mail box every day, staying up 3 days in a row with Eric during the Crucible...wrapping my arms around him during Family Day hearing his voice and not recognizing him because he was screaming so much.

And I am just so proud of Eric and all of his accomplishments that he has done with the USMC. I can't wait to start our lives together and I can't wait to be his wife, a marine wife. The respect and thanks that I had for active military personnel and Veterans before Eric joined the marines, only increased when he became one.

I've always been thankful of our Veterans and active military personnel. I have very little good memories of high school but I will always remember my Freshman year, the first Veteran's Day Assembly I went to. There was a  veteran who was in a wheel chair and had participated in The Battle of the Bulge during World War Two. Even though he couldn't walk or stand very well, when his song played...that man stood up while his legs shook beneath him. I remember sitting in the choir section crying my eyes out watching that man.

I know that I will always be thankful to our Veterans, past and present for as long as I live. What they give up, what they sacrifice so that I can be free and have the freedom to do whatever I want means the absolute world to me. It makes me sick that we have so many men and women giving up their lives in the desert across the Atlantic and that most of the country doesn't care about those people or even remembers that we STILL have people over there. What makes me even more upset is that a lot of people (and maybe even some of you reading this) doesn't support our military. We still have husbands, boyfriends, brothers, sisters, fathers deploying for months and months...away from their loved ones, family and friends and it breaks my heart to not see this country care.

My mom and I are going to visit the Ohio Cemetery today and I know that I will cry seeing all the men and women who were put to rest there. I will never forget why I am free and I will always honor those who gave up everything, even their own lives so that I can be free.

Thank you Active Military personnel and Veterans past and present. Freedom is not free. 

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