Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Home at last!

As my mom and I were clearing out the last of my belongings in my room, I sat on my bed one last time and looked out the window. I'm on the fourth floor in my dorm and it has a really nice view of trees where a lot of Black Squirrels like to play. When I was upset or just so frustrated with something, I would look out that window and for some odd reason, I would feel better.

Its been a really rough year for me; my first semester was absolutely chaos dealing with another bad roommate and hardly talking to Eric because he was on ship for 3 months. Not only that was going on, but once again (thanks to the lovely education of Norton City Schools!) I was struggling with math and now science. Somehow though, I got through my first semester and came home to a wonderful break with my family, animals and I was lucky enough to see Eric come home. Not only that, I got to fly to Arizona to see him as well which was amazing.

Once I got back to Kent after Arizona, I was once again living alone. Which was great! I was so happy and relieved that my evil roommate moved out and I had my wonderful room to my own again. However even with my roommate gone, I still had other issues to deal with. My RA was never, ever in her room which was so frustrating! Half of my floor (for some odd reason!) was half freshmen, who really didn't seem to ever sleep or care about their grades at all. Why do I say this? These people would blast their music and literally be up all night. The guys next door to me would blast their music so loud that everything in my room would shake. No matter how many times I knocked on their door to try ask them to please turn their music down, they wouldn't answer or talk to me. So basically dorm security and I became best friends this Spring semester, lol.

I also struggled with math and science again which isn't a surprise, but I got through it. I studied my butt off for math, went to tons of tutoring sessions and passed. Now I only have one more math class to take and I'll be done with math forever. I'm pretty sure I did well with my other classes as well, considering they are history and writing :)

But this year taught me a lot about myself and other people. And even though there were nights when I was so upset over school and other personal things, that I would cry myself to sleep and days that would make me so angry that I wanted to hit something, I wouldn't trade it for anything because those experiences made me a much stronger person. I love Kent and even though at the moment I am sick of that place, I will always love Kent. And in a few weeks, I know I'll miss it and want to go back.

I'm so happy to be home though. It was so nice having my dog, Winston just jump up on me last night and stay with me for like 45 minutes. It was awesome having my cat Lily, open my bedroom door and kiss me goodnight. I feel much better too, the pressure of school is off my back till August and it is a wonderful feeling, let me tell you! lol!

I have such high hopes for this summer! Goals and things I want to do, people and places I want to see. Its a lot, but I really want to make the most of it. I don't know if I'll see Eric or not, but if I don't then I'll just keep myself busy with summer plans and wedding planning. In all honesty, I'm just happy we get to talk..even if it is just for a minute or two.

I really want to make this summer a good one, here's hoping that I'll stay focused on my goals!

1 comment:

  1. AMAZING! I can't wait to meet you in sometime for ONCE again since we had seen each other when we were little! Love you,cuz!
