Saturday, April 21, 2012

Summertime, I've got you on my mind.

I'll be blunt, I hate school. I love my history classes and random classes like College Writing..but the other classes I have to take such as the science ones...I just hate. The professor I have for Life on Planet Earth is absolutely insane. He's told the class several times that if you believe in god you are stupid, he gets into people's faces, invades personal space...I just can't stand him or that class. Yesterday was horrible and what happened in that class just made me want to just quit school all together. Its over and done with, but I just wish I didn't have to makeup a test for that class so I don't have to see this idiot. 

I have 10 days left and I am done May 1st, but it seems so far away. I still have a lot to do, lots of studying so I'll be doubt I'll be online that much which kinda sucks..but, if all my studying is going to get me good grades on my finals then I guess its worth it. My head is better though which is nice, I still get dizzy when I lay down though but I'm thankful it only happens when I lay down. 

I just can't stop thinking about summer! I have a list of books I want to read thats probably 2 pages long, I have like 3 animes I want to watch and I cannot wait to redo my room and paint it, CANNOT WAIT. This summer I really just want to be happy and focus on myself and spending time with my family and friends because, afterall it will be my last summer at home really. 

I miss Eric! I've talked to him a few times and every time I really needed to talk to him, he's always cheered me up no matter what. I'm so glad that I get to talk to him too, even if its for a minute. I cherish each and every time we get to. I can't wait till he's back in Japan so we can talk regularly again, it'll be nice!

Hopefully these 10 days will go by fast, I'm so ready for summer. So ready to feel free again! I'm sick of my anxiety going through the roof because of school, I feel like once May 1st comes I'll be able to breathe again without choking. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

So here's what happened:

I had an accident yesterday, which left me in the ER for 4 (almost 5!) hours along with a concussion and a bad neck strain along with a horrible ugly cast around my neck.

Lets rewind to boot camp class: We were playing non-stop tag, always moving with 3 people who were "it" if you got tagged you had to do 20 push ups, 20 mountain climbers or 20 burpees. Now I was one of the people who were "it" and I was about to tag someone when this kid comes out of nowhere and literally shoves me to the ground. My left leg went behind my right and my neck hit the floor (we were inside the MACC annex in one of the gyms) and then bounced hitting my head. Now...for a few seconds everything was black, but then like 2 seconds later I started screaming. Now my instructor ran over to me right away and then I realized what happened, stopped screaming and just laid there. I couldn't feel my left shoulder and my head and neck hurt so much that it was excruciating.

After talking about it for awhile with my instructor and my mom over the phone, we decided to go to the health center first before calling the squad. However when I got to the health center in the lobby I almost fell over because I got super dizzy. Thankfully enough, 7 nurses basically jumped over the counter and grabbed me before I could fall. It was pretty funny though watching those elderly nurses hold me up, considering I'm 5'7 and most of them were 5'4 and 5'3.

The head doctor of Dewese looked at me and said he couldn't do anything really, I needed CAT scans and head scans and that they needed to call the squad. After a horrible, bumpy ride to Akron General and a crying fit over getting a stupid IV in my arm DURING THE BUMPY CAR RIDE, we made it to the hospital.

Now, I have an anxiety head was throbbing because of the bumpy car ride, I was strapped down to the point where I couldn't once we got there I started crying my eyes out because I got really scared. So what do these lovely bitchy nurses do? They start telling me to calm down and got real mean with me. Like really? So once I calmed down, the doctor looked at me and said I needed scans and pain meds. After waiting a few hours, with pain meds in my system and scans done...they came to the conclusion that I have a bad concussion along with a neck strain.

So I am okay, but I hurt and my neck is very sore. My head doesn't hurt that very badly but when I move around I still get a bit dizzy. The only few things that is annoying that I had to miss classes and tutoring today, wearing this stupid collar and that kid who pushed me.

All I can say is...I can't believe I got taken down by tag. Really Katy?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hello & Goodbye.

Eric got back from South Korea on Saturday and we thought he would be back in Okinawa for a few months but he got orders to get back on ship to go to the Philippines for another 3 weeks. Which really upset me because I know we wouldn't be able to talk during that time and it made me even sadder because I know we couldn't talk on Easter. Its times like these that really make me want to punch the marine corp in the face.

The good thing about all this, is that when he goes back Oki is that I should be in finals week or I'll be home for good and we'll be able to talk a lot more. With all the papers and the one midterm coming up for me, I'll be busy but I am going to miss him so much. I guess he's going to be jumping in the Philippines too which bothers me a bit, but I know he'll be okay...he enjoys it and knows what he's doing so I'm not that worried, but still.

I wish things were different, I wish we could talk all the time and more than ever I wish I could see him. But I know that I can't and I can't control something that can't be changed. So, I don't want to be upset..I want to keep moving forward and just finish this semester strong. Maybe this will be a good thing, it gives me motivation to get done with all this work so that once I move back home, I'll be able to talk to him again. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Importance of Money.

So I think my dad finally realized that I really am engaged and that I am getting married next now he's trying to find a way to get me to stay here lol. He said that if he won the lottery and offered me 10 million dollars that I wouldn't get married and move away. Lol, no dad, for the record..I wouldn't.

You need money to survive in this world, which to me is frustrating at times. I'm very lucky to have what I have and I am so thankful! My family has been through hell when it comes to money because of this economy, but we've hung in there and you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way because its made me realize that you don't need money to make you happy and really you don't. I remember when Eric and I first started dating, we had no money! So we played video games and watched movies! When we did have money we used coupons and went to Swensons. I had so much fun during that time, it didn't matter that we had no money lol.

I really want to find a summer job. I love my parents they give spending money but frankly I am sick of them giving me money. I am 20 years old and I should have my own source of income. I was really hoping to work at Dayton's nursery but I was declined because they needed someone to work for them that very day and I couldn't because I was still in school. Which is so frustrating! Sometimes I rather work than go to school to be honest. I actually wish I could do that but my parents want me to go to college, which is fine because deep down I know thats the right thing to do.

However, I am 98% sure I'm going to be umpiring again, which I'm happy and excited about. I love baseball and all the kids, they are so entertaining and so much fun to watch. I really do enjoy getting to know them and watching them grow as ball players.  Plus I'm getting paid by Kent State for taking notes for the Health Center so there's some extra cash too.

I'm going to make up list for things I want to save up for: I want at least $200 for Myrtle Beach, $180 for a 3DS and I also want to start saving for Eric and mine's honeymoon :) we'll see how this goes!