Saturday, March 24, 2012

Changing & Comparing.

First of all, I've had an amazing Spring Break. Either global warming is real or God decided to let some warmth come to Ohio, who knows! Either way, I'm really happy and thankful for the past 9 days. I really needed to come home, hug my animals, hangout with my mom and just relax. You know, I have been stressed out for the past few months that when I came home on Friday...everything caught up to me. I literally slept for 3 days it felt like! And this whole week I've felt like a zombie, which isn't a good feeling lol. But even with that, I've had a lovely week. I hung out with Brenna Wednesday which was nice, I love her to death :) the rest of the week my mom and I just focused on Spring cleaning and my room. We've gotten a lot done! I'm going to be really sad to leave tomorrow but at the same time, I'm ready to finish up with this semester. 5 weeks Monday!

Eric left for ship a week ago, two weeks tomorrow and he originally told me that he'll be on ship for like 2 weeks and that he would contact me soon. Well, the first week I was like, no problem! He'll call me soon, no worries! However after looking on the ship's facebook page its clear that its going to be longer than two weeks and I just wish I could talk to him. I know he has to be busy though, otherwise he would of tried to contact me. I do miss him a lot but he's on a ship so he can't get into too much trouble right? I have so many things to tell him about Spring Break, wedding planning and I just can't wait to talk to him.

Which brings me to the point of writing this blog. When I joined facebook it was the beginning of the summer when I just became a junior I believe. And I wrote status after status, stupid status' about what I was doing and complaining etc. Like, I would write a status about how I was going to sleep. What the heck? lol! Now once I was forced into a timeline, I looked back at what I used to write and I was shocked. I was such a whiny brat, like really. Its kinda funny though, looking back to seeing how I am now, I'm not the same person that I used to be and I am glad that I'm not.

Now, when I started dating Eric I wrote status' counting down when I would see him, how much I missed him...over and over again. Like, that was so unnecessary. Status' about 74, 73 days...every day again and again. No matter how much you miss someone, posting status' repeatedly of how much you miss them or how hard your relationship is...doesn't make up for the fact that you are in a long distance relationship. I don't know if you are trying to show off or if you think your relationship is better than everyone else's, but you need to stop. Its annoying. You and your significant other are a part from each other and deal with the military so apparently that makes you better than everyone else? No it doesn't.

What frustrates me the most though, is the fact that your husband is stationed in the states. Yes, Hawaii is a part of the states you know and yes, you deal with a 6 hour time difference. But guess what? I deal with a 12-14 (depends on the time change.) time difference and I am lucky if I get to talk to Eric for 20 minutes on a daily basis. Do you see me freaking out and publicly displaying my annoyances on facebook when I don't get to talk to Eric enough? No.

So do me a favor, keep your relationship to yourself and not on facebook. And please, PLEASE don't compare your relationship to others, especially mine. Compared to what I go through, yours isn't as bad as you think it is.

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