Friday, March 9, 2012

Where is my mind?

My head hurts really badly and its probably because of  Ohio being bipolar, like always. I really cannot stand this state. Anyway...

You know that song by the Pixies, where is my mind? Its on the soundtrack from Fight Club and Sucker Punch, however I like this version better because its a duet. I've been listening to it a lot and I just feel like it just fits how I feel right now. I've been studying for midterms, going to tutoring for math and writing endless papers. In the middle of all of it, my thoughts seem to just drift from what I'm doing and I just feel so out of it.

And then there's Eric of course. He's not getting leave in June so I doubt I'll see him, if I do see him it'll be in December and I'm not going to get my hopes up for that either. There are days when I am fine, completely happy, stressed but fine. And there are days like today when I just want ache, I feel horrible and I just miss him so much that it feels like my heart is going to burst. I had such high hopes for June...he was going to come home, we were going to get Engagement pictures done, maybe go to the beach together. Now I'm going to spend the summer once again without him. I miss him so much and it makes me absolutely sick to my stomach that I'm not going to see him till December.

I'm trying to lose weight and its so hard, so hard. Its frustrating because I can't stand to look at myself in the mirror half the time and since I'm so stressed all I want to do is eat. I'm trying so hard with everything, school, midterms, being away from home, keeping my sanity, dealing with this distance/hardly talking to Eric. Sometimes I feel like its all too much for me sometimes, like right now I feel so overwhelmed. My thoughts are all over the place and I am shocked that I can even write this right now.

I wish my head would stop hurting so I could finish this paper.

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