Sunday, January 29, 2012


Yesterday made me pretty sick. I wasn't feeling well all week due to all the stupid weather changes but Saturday made me feel worse. I cried so much yesterday that my eyes literally hurt, something I've never experienced before. Eric is in back Japan, I'm just so very happy that his flight went well and that he is safe and well. He goes to Thailand Wednesday and we'll be able to talk off and on since they have WiFi there.

Today the plan was for my mother and I to go to Target to get a few things and then go straight to Kent from there. Before we walked into Target...there was no snow on the ground, no wet, no slush..nothing. We were in that store for literally 20 minutes and after we was a full out blizzard. Like you literally couldn't see two inches in front of your face, it was ridiculous. I really don't like snow unless its around Christmas time or for snow days..but considering it hasn't snowed for either of those, I don't care for snow. In fact I absolute detest snow and the cold. I loathe it.

Because of that we had to go back to our house and stay there, which put us behind 2 hours. I was really mad because I had a whole bunch of stuff to do when I got back to the dorm! So I was pretty mad, however I realized that with the way my life is...I need to be flexible. My life is crazy and sometimes hectic and I need to do deal with it plain and simple. But really, I can't wait to get out of this's weather determined me more than ever to get out of here.

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