Sunday, June 30, 2013

Where did June go?!

So my last blog post was really just a venting session, I didn't write about what anything that has been going in the last few weeks so I figured I would talk about what's been going on.

Earlier in June I went to my second anime convention called Colossalcon in Sandusky, Ohio. It was held at the convention center at Kalahari Resort. It was lots of fun! The water park, convention center and hotel was amazing! My second convention was pretty awesome and I would really like to go back next year for sure, except this time actually stay in the hotel because its just easier. The biggest moment of the convention was the fact I was finally going to meet someone who I had loved and looked up to for 12 years. His name is Vic Mignogna. He is a really famous voice actor in the English anime industry. Vic has voiced several of my favorite anime characters and I've always loved him. Not only does he voice act, but he also sings, writes and produces music. At the con, I got to meet Vic and let me tell you it was one of the most surreal and amazing moments of my life.

I used to be very shy about talking about it, but now that I'm older...I don't mind it, especially if it helps someone else. I was bullied throughout 8th-10th grade, bullied to the point where I tried to kill myself. I had several people try and help me through that horrible time in my life and one of them was Vic. Even though he wasn't there with me in person, his characters and his music was. Every time I felt so horrible, so alone and just so desperate to end it all...I listened to his music. 

Vic was late to his autograph/meet session and I remember waiting in line just nervous, my hands shaking, my heart beating so fast...and then...I heard cheers coming from the hallway. He was here and I couldn't stop grinning. However as he started to set up his table, a lump formed in my throat and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't believe that I was actually going to meet him, I was just overwhelmed with emotion it was crazy! And was my turn to see him, I took a deep breath and smiled.

 On June 7th, I told Vic this:"Hi Vic. I was bullied throughout middle school and the beginning of high school. Your voice acting and music helped me through that horrible time in my life and I don't know if I would be here today if it weren't for people like you. You gave me a heart made fullmetal" (A heart made fullmetal is a reference to one of his characters he voices) I just blurted everything out without thinking haha! And I thought to myself, oh my god! He must think I'm crazy or something. But he didn't, he looked at me for a second and then smiled. I noticed his eyes started to tear up and he grabbed me.

Vic hugged me for a good minute and then kissed my cheek, I couldn't believe it. One of my heroes cried for me, showed compassion for me and kissed my cheek. It literally was one of the best moments of my life. I really hope that one day I can see him again because he is the most amazing person, so kind and so nice. 

And I am so glad he liked my present!

I bought a wooden heart, painted it and added some wooden pieces with screws (with the help of my amazing mom!) and tried to make it look like auto mail like the character he voices.

He said he loved it so I'm happy! :)

Colossalcon was also the first time I cosplayed which was fun. Ever since I was like 10, I wanted to cosplay as Kikyo from Inuyasha and that's who I was! Here are is a picture of myself and some of my other favorite cosplays I saw at the con! 
Me as Kikyo

El Dorado! Tulio & Chel

Yu Yu Hakusho. Kuwabara & Yuusuke

The Little Mermaid! Ursula and Ariel! (s)

Bane from Batman

Captain Jack Sparrow! He had a lovely accent.

An awesome Sora from Kingdom Hearts

Colossalcon was a lot more fun than Ohayocon and I am so glad I went! There were some issues, but nothing is perfect ya know? Plus I got to meet Vic, so overall I am very happy I went. Besides the con, I've been umpiring on and off...however the season's over now so I'm officially done. I'm not sure if I'll continue to umpire when I move, but at least I have 4 years of experience under my belt. 

There has been some drama every now and then with the wedding and several people have tested my mom and I, but besides that...everything has fallen into place for the wedding. It was a bumpy road, I'm not gonna lie: if I could do all over again of course there would be parts of planning I would do over, but nothing is ever perfect right? I'm excited for my wedding and nervous to move. That's another issue I'm dealing with at the moment: moving. I've sorted through my things and put stuff aside I want to take...but I've literally been avoiding packing like the plague. My mom is annoyed at me right now because of it and I understand her annoyance, but at the same's just hitting me now that I'm leaving.

And I am scared and nervous about it. I'll finally be with Eric, but at what cost? Leaving everything I know, my mom, my animals, my home, Ohio...and once again everything I know...will it all be worth it? I have always wanted to be with Eric, I don't doubt that at all. But I am scared of being somewhere completely different. I felt like this when I moved to Kent of course, but being at Kent...I was 30-45 minutes away...not 12 hours and 700 miles away like I will be in North Carolina.

I want to be brave and act like this isn't a big deal or anything, moving is problem! But inside I am freaking out! Last week I was in my room, sorting through some stuff and it just hit me...BAM. A voice inside my head said: you are moving. You are leaving behind your mom, your cats, your home, your friends, everything you know. I haven't had a panic attack in awhile so it sucked and I cried like I've never cried before. My emotions are ridiculous right now, uncontrollable. And of course there are STILL certain idiots pissing me off with the wedding, so I am one my last nerve with that too.

I just wish, I could close my eyes and calm myself. Like the can be so nasty, so scary, so angry one moment and then the next, calm, quiet and clear. Why can't I do that? 

Either way, I am really hoping I can pull myself together because all this waiting for the past 3 years has come to an end. Time, for once is on my side and apparently fate is kicking at me, finally telling me to start the next chapter of my life. Before I wrap this blog post up I want to make something clear: I'm not afraid of starting my life together or moving away with Eric, I'm scared of myself....scared that I won't be strong enough to hold myself up when he isn't with me. I think it's funny, everyone says that Eric and I will have so much more time together and we will, but not as much as you think. At the end of the day the Marine Corp owns him and the MC can take him away at any time. He still works 5 and (sometimes 6) days a week. So we won't be together all the time...and that's what I'm afraid of, what will I be like when I'm without him, alone. 

I just hope that I'm strong enough. 

5 days till the wedding. 

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