Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Turtles in a half shell, turtle power!

Two weeks ago, I went home for about 7 days and my mom drove me back to North Carolina to stay with us. It was a really nice visit and I really enjoyed the past 2 weeks with my mom. Sadly, she was supposed to go back to Ohio yesterday (Tuesday 9/17/13) however we found out that the local Turtle Hospital was releasing 3 turtles back into the ocean the next day, the last release of the year and immediately my mom decided to stay another day. I was excited because I've been wanting to see several turtle releases since I've moved down here, but its been hard since we only have one car. Plus, I wanted to see the turtles go back into the ocean with my mom. She loves turtles, I think she loves turtles as much as she loves cats which is a lot people!

The next day we got up mega early and headed straight for the beach! The turtles were being released at 10am sharp so we wanted to make sure we got front row seats. It was a beautiful day for the turtles to go back to their homes! It wasn't too hot or too cold, it was just perfect.

Our seats :)

Oceans Eleven had a rough start going back home

Precious Sea Star :)

Unfortunately, the Loggerhead turtle (the big one!) Oceans Eleven was realllly hard to get pictures of because so many volunteers were around him. I did get pictures of the two little green sea turtles though, Sea Star and Blue. I really loved watching Blue come out because as soon as he saw the ocean, he started moving his flippers up and down because he was so excited. It was a really, really life changing experience and I am so glad I got to experience with my mom. Although it wasn't perfect, (people were rude, pushing and shoving, standing in the way of pictures etc) it was a memory and day I wouldn't trade for the world.

Here is the website for the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Hospital, it is really, really cool. I highly recommend checking it out.

To be honest, I've felt sick all day and I mainly think its emotional sickness because my mom went back to Ohio today. I don't know when I'll see her next and that is the absolute worst feeling in the world. I've had to experience that exact same feeling every time Eric left to go back to Japan which was a total of 3 times. But that feeling is 10x worse when it comes to your mother, let me tell you.

I love living in North Carolina, I love the heat and the salty air and my new life down here, however I cannot stand how it takes 45 minutes to an hour to get ANYWHERE. Its a bit ridiculous, considering back home in Ohio...the nearest Target and Mall was 10-15 minutes away from my house so coming down here to this distance nonsense is so FRUSTRATING. I miss home. 

Now before you start saying I TOLD YOU SO BLAH BLAH BLAH, hold your horses. I do not miss Ohio or its psycho bipolar weather, no; I miss my home, my animals, my house, my neighborhood. I miss Kent, my dorm, my friends, campus, the black squirrels. I miss how close everything is and how easy it is to get there, but besides that...I do not miss my old life. I'm still adjusting, Eric and I are still getting used to each other and being "a grown up" sucks a lot. But I'm hanging in there, I just miss my much.

Its funny, when Eric was overseas for two years...I thought that when I moved away with him I wouldn't feel that pain in my chest, that hole that I couldn't fill. But I still that hole, only this time it doesn't hurt because I'm away from him, it hurts because I'm away from my mother. 

Have you ever loved someone so much that if they weren't in your life somehow, you would just feel empty? 

I have two. 


  1. love you so so so much and every little thing will be ok. You know I can't go too long without seeing your beautiful face <3 <3
