Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Can you believe that April is almost over! My 3rd year at Kent State is coming to an end and after 3 years of living in the dorms and in the same room, I won't be coming back for awhile. I'll be taking a year of online classes once I move to North Carolina, which isn't a big deal considering I need 37 credit hours to complete my major. Plus, I really don't know what to do with my major; last fall I thought I wanted to come back as a graduate student and teach in the history department...but I'm not so sure anymore. Japanese also has a lot of opportunities waiting in the wings for me potentially too. So right now I'm not really hyper focused on graduating on time. It took me 2 years to pass math sadly so either way it was going to take me a little longer to get my diploma. Hopefully I'll figure out what I want to do career wise this coming year, but who knows!

All I can say is: I am so freaking ready to get off this campus and move back home. I love Kent with all my heart and soul, but it's time. I need my own space again and I just need to get the heck off this campus. There are so many people here and sometimes its just too much for me. Since graduating high school, I've become very introverted and big groups of people are just too loud and annoying. I'm ready for school to be over, all of the work and quizzes are just dragging on. The weather has been so pretty that all I want to do is just lay out somewhere and fall asleep, like really it's too nice out to be in class.

But most of all...I am ready to renew my vows with my husband and move.

I am so excited to have my own home, my own space and my own family. I have literally been watching HGTV almost every day getting ideas for our apartment! My mom and I have been thrifting items for our new place and it's been such a fun experience! Most of our stuff is going to be used/thrifted which is fine by me! I absolutely love taking something and making it your own! However, Eric, my mom and I are planning to take an IKEA trip in the future, so we'll have some "new" furniture. Here is some of the pieces we've been thrifting and collecting, gotta love a good thrift run!

The stools I am going to paint white and re-fabric the seats! The TV stand below matches the stools with its bamboo look, so I'm also going to paint it white to match. The apartment we have has a lot of beachy colors so we are playing off that :)

I cannot wait to move! I know that I will miss Kent, my family, friends, animals and life that I've gotten so used to here in Ohio....but I am ready to be with my husband. I am ready to start my own life and I am just ready to go.

75 days till I move!


  1. You know, I sometimes wish I could move away and start over. This seems like it's a really exciting time in your life! Enjoy it. :)

    1. Thanks so much for reading and leaving a comment!!! And thank you, I'm really excited.
