Friday, March 22, 2013

High School Part II

So last weekend my mom was going to North Carolina to give my husband our car and I surprised him by going with her. He had no idea I was coming and even though the 12 hour drive lasted forever, the look on his face was absolutely priceless and it was so worth it. I love the south! North Carolina is my future home and I am so excited to be moving down there in July. We got a lot done down there too during my visit! I got my military ID and some other paperwork done, but most of all we looked for a place to live!

Eric found an apartment called the Quarters that is exactly 2 miles from his work and 5 miles from the beach. We wanted a 2 bedroom/2 bath and the Quarters was absolutely perfect! Beautiful apartments that comes with everything we want: a pool, workout room, game room, lounge and its just perfect. It's a great first home for us and when I came back to Ohio I caught myself counting the months till I move. Most of all, I'm just happy that I'll be with Eric....finally, the only thing that will separate us is his work which isn't bad at all! :)

I'm so excited, so, sooooo excited. Did I mention we are going to be 5 miles away from the beach? Jealous much? ;)
Haha! Here are some of my favorite pictures:

So, even though my trip with Eric and my mother was quite isn't the only reason I am writing this blog.

Most people close to me know that I hated high school with a passion. High school was the worst 4 years of my life and I have very few fond memories of high school. Actually, I was so bullied my freshman year that I was very, very close to killing myself. And if it wasn't for a certain teacher, I might not be here today.

Now...I thought that once I left high school..there would be no more politics! I thought college would be a complete breeze with clubs, classes and other programs and that there would be no drama anymore.

Boy was I a dumb ass.

Since last fall, I've been taking Elementary Japanese and I am so glad that I did. It's hard at times, but let me tell you..finally being able to do and learn something you love so one of the best feelings in the world. I work my butt off in that class, I always go to class unless I feel like I'm dying(its 5 days a week at 8:50-9:40AM), my homework is always done, I memorize and translate vocab weeks in advance, I participate in class often and I go to tutoring for 2 hours once a week. And for once, I am actually am one of the students at the top grade wise in that class. I love Japan and I have loved Japan for 17 years, so I do whatever it takes to be good at it.

On March 7th, the head sensei and director of the Japanese major/minor came into class and announced that she was taking 23 students to Tokyo and Kyoto Japan in May for 11 days...all expenses paid. My mouth, literally dropped to the floor...was she lying? Was it a joke? No, it wasn't! All we had to pay for was transportation to the airport and spending money. I felt like I could grow wings and fly away into the sky at that moment.

So I applied and made the shortlist. Which lead to a interview and she asked what my personality was like, how important was Japanese to me, what my GPA was, what 3 places did I want to visit...etc etc. A few days later, I got a rejection e-mail saying I wasn't picked for the trip and this e-mail came when I was with Eric last Saturday and thank god I was with him because...if I wasn't I don't know what I would of done.

First, I was heartbroken. Crying my eyes out and asking why? What did I do wrong? Did she not like my answers to her questions? Was my GPA not good enough? And the same question kept repeating over and over in my mind: what did I do wrong? When I got back to Kent, I found out that...the people that were chosen weren't chosen because of how they did in class, their attendance, their grades...apparently they were chosen because the head sensei chose people she just liked. She didn't care about attendance, grades, participation or how passionate you were about Japanese...none of that mattered.

I felt like a fool, I told her how much I wanted this and how much I loved Japan..and it meant nothing. And you know what? Two people were chosen in my class and one of them, has literally not been there the entire semester. If I would of known that she was asking people to go Japan just based on their personalities...I would of never tried to go on the trip in the first place.

And just like that...I was back in high school where I played two sports and hardly got to play and was treated badly because both coaches didn't like me. It wasn't the fact that I was good or bad at the was the fact that they didn't like me personally. And then I was back in the choir room my senior year, not singing a solo because the choir director didn't like sopranos and didn't like me personally once again.

I was stupid and naive to think that all the drama, all the politics would end after high school. But, at least I learned a lesson out of this mess. Even though I was hurting and was absolutely heartbroken last weekend...every day that goes by, the hurt goes away little by little. This event, this betrayal made me actually really happy about my decision moving to North Carolina to live with Eric. I'll be taking online classes and I won't have to deal with anymore of this politics bullshit. Well, at least I won't be dealing with anymore school politics, I'll probably be dealing with marine politics. Haha!

And Japan, I'll see you when I see you. Know this, maybe not now or next year or maybe not even the next year after that...I will eventually see you Japan and I can't wait for the day.


I won't give up.


Don't Stop Believing

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