Wednesday, February 6, 2013

5 years and 60 months.

Happy Anniversary Eric Lee! 

5 years and 60 months!

Boot camp :)

Before he left for Japan

Visiting Eric in Georgia when he was Jump School

8 months later at Christmas

Us together in Arizona when I visited him for Free fall school

7 months later, surprise leave!

Cabin pictures/surprise leave

One of our engagement pictures

Home for a month Dec 2012/Jan 2013

Getting married on New Years Eve

My handsome husband and our brave boy Noir.

Eric, thank you for making my life exciting and interesting. I'm so glad that I met you, so thankful that god put us together and I'm glad that you are my husband, my best friend, hero and everything I've ever wanted in a soul mate. I'm thankful that I have someone next to me that inspires me to be a better person each and every day and above all, believes in me and accepts me for who I am. Yes, that sounds mushy, but its true. 

I'm so excited for our future together and I love you, so much.

5 more months till our wedding!

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