Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I know I say this a lot, but I can't believe in two days it will be Thanksgiving and once this week is over I will have 2 weeks of school left, it is absolutely crazy! I'm very happy that the semester is over, I'll miss my schedule but I'm sick of certain classes and I just want this semester to be over.

However, my anxiety is through the roof right now. And yes, I have an anxiety disorder which a lot of people didn't know about when I was in high school. I've been dealing with it for years, since I was in 3rd grade. My anxiety is mainly school based, especially with tests and exams but sometimes my anxiety affects me socially too. I've noticed since entering college I've become more introverted and prefer being alone than with a big group of people. It's whatever, I take medicine and talk to a doctor regularly  I deal with it and try not to let anxiety rule my life.

Moving on!

I can't stand the Marine Corp right now, Eric has been in Japan for 2 years this month and I just am seriously about to lose it with the command in Okinawa. He was actually supposed to be home THIS MONTH, but his time extended an extra month. His gear is all turned in so why is figuring out when he comes home is so hard? This isn't rocket science and paperwork should take 2+ weeks to do...


I'm just upset because its been our experience (Eric's and mine) that when the USMC takes a long time to figure out something, Eric's leave has gotten screwed over and his leave was shortened or cut in half. He's supposed to have 45 days and frankly I would be happy if he got more than 10 days but I just don't want this to get screwed up. He's just been away for too long and I don't want the USMC to mess this up for him. Eric deserves to be home for awhile.

I am just so frustrated with everything right now, with school, with the USMC....

I just want to know when my future husband will be home...is that too much to ask?

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