Wednesday, November 7, 2012

2 years.

This really isn't a update, just a milestone really...

2 years ago today Eric left for for a 2 year deployment in Japan...and in a few weeks, 
he will be home for good

November 2010, at the airport before he left for Japan
and then we were apart for four months, November-March
He then went to jump school in Fort Benning, Georgia. 
My mom and I flew down to see him.
Eric got some leave after jump school and was able to come back to Ohio for a few days in April:
After April he was gone for 8 months..and came home for Christmas 2011
In January he went to Freefall school for a month in Arizona.
I flew out to see him.
After that we were apart for 7 months, till he came home in July
can't wait till you are finally home babe!

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