Sunday, September 16, 2012

Oi Vey.

Is it October yet? Or November? I'm ready for fires, my birthday, fall food, fall decor, leaves changing, boots and the holidays. I feel like time is moving soooo slowly! Enough of my wishing..

So first of all, I am so proud of myself for making my blog look pretty! It literally took me a few hours to move this here, add this here and edit a few final touches..but I am happy with the way it looks. Maybe those computer classes on HTML I took in high school were useful afterall.

School is school, but this semester so far has been fantastic. I am having so much fun with Japanese and learning it (the only thing with part of that class that is giving me trouble is the writing. Note: if Hiragana was a person, I would of punched them in the face by now..true story.) I love all the people I live with and I am actually finding it hard to balance my social time with them and my school work! Something I never had to do before, lol!

I tried out for Kent's Glee singing group last week and I completely bombed my audition. Oh my gosh! I was fine right before I walked into it! I knew all the words by heart, I was nervous but it was a good kind of nervous! As soon as I walked into the audition room though...I saw a camera..and completely freaked out. Halfway through I forgot the words and So I didn't make the group, but just because someone didn't answer their door doesn't mean that I'm not going to keep knocking! Or I'll try another door you know? I'm just proud of myself for putting myself out there.

It was Eric's birthday yesterday, my boy turned 24. I was very sad throughout the day because all I wanted to do was wish him a happy birthday, just a chance for him to listen to me sing to him and say..."Happy Birthday Eric, 24! Wow my future husband is old!" you know? Something just silly...but I just kept wishing my phone would ring...and it never did.

Its been 18 days since I've heard from him. 

My mom and I went to Yankee Peddler yesterday and it was a shock of how different things were. For my entire life (and even before!) that place used to be packed! Vendors and food everywhere..but this year it wasn't even close to what it used to be. But, it was a great day to be outside and I really enjoyed the time with my mother. I just wish someone else could of been there with me.

But, I'm thankful that I have her.

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