Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sick of goodbye.

Its been awhile since I last wrote anything, considering I've been on the run the past month its a miracle that I'm not dead or something..because I have been running non-stop. Not that I mind, I love to travel! Vegas was beautiful and Myrtle Beach was great as always. My parents and I had a great time at the condo, it was nice to swim in the Atlantic and cover my toes in the sweet sand. However, for the first time in my life...I couldn't wait to get back to Ohio.

Because I was harboring a secret from many, many people. Eric got leave somehow and was coming home.

Which was supposed to be a happy, nice getaway leave...(and for the most part it was.) turned into a stressful time. For the first 3 days of Eric's leave, we went to Hocking Hills which was absolutely fabulous! The people that worked there, the cabin, just getting away from everything to just be with each other...was amazing. There are no words to describe how once you don't see someone every day or every other day, you forget things: the sound of their voice, the warmth of their laugh, how vivid the color of their eyes are, how everything changes once they are back in your arms. Eric and I had a good time, we really wanted this leave to catch up and keep our relationship in check. We needed to see each other, we needed that time together. But every time Eric takes leave, something freaking happens! The turtle (my car) acts up, he gets sick, someone that we didn't get to see gets mad, people are mad because he's not there with them and doing something else. Really, it is one of the most frustrating things I have ever had to deal with..the petty-ness, the jealously, the tug o war when it comes to Eric's time when he is home...drives me insane to the point where I want to punch someone in the face. Me on the other hand, I don't care what we are doing as long as I'm with Eric and he is happy. Thats all I care about. Like always though, time went too fast! Our time at the cabin ended, engagement pictures were taken and the next thing I knew..we were back at the airport and I was kissing him goodbye. Isn't it funny that airports can be both happy and sad places?

Everything is just a blur to me right now, I can't believe that just hours ago I was with Eric. It really kills me to type that or think that...he was in my arms just hours ago. Time is a cruel mistress, for the past 7 months it went by fast! Just ticking away, but of the hardest days I've had in awhile is slowly, ever so slowly taking its time to end. I want today to end, I want to wake up tomorrow and start over because my summer vacation is also ticking away. I still have lots of things I want to do and I really need to get my butt in gear.

I wish I could just close my eyes and open them and be on Christmas break in December but we all know that life doesn't work like that. I have to go back to school, deal with classes, tests, loud/rude/crazy people and several other things. The only thing that will keep going is this: next time Eric is in the states, whenever that may be...he will be home for good. We'll be together and a few more months after that...spring then summer we'll be married and hopefully I'll be moving to North Carolina to be with him.

Next summer I'm going to marry my best friend and be at his side, instead of thousands of miles apart. Nothing will keep (minus the Marine Corp occasionally :P) us apart and these horrible goodbyes won't have to happen anymore.

I look forward to that day.

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