Saturday, June 30, 2012

What happens in Vegas..ends up on my blog.

What a whirlwind the past week has been! I love the West, I thought Arizona was great (still do!) but Nevada was just as amazing too. I love the heat and so my allergies, I didn't sniffle or hardly anything when I was out there. It was so feel "normal" for once.

The hotel we stayed at was amazing too, when you walked into the lobby they had a small pond with koi fish and swans! Their names were Priscilla and Elvis, too funny. We were also close to the strip but still far enough from the craziness; the traffic reminded of New York City, the drivers were pretty insane but it wasn't that bad but still crazy! My dad had a few choice words for them sometimes when we were driving though, lol. I loved the city, the casinos themes were pretty cool and when I say they went all out, they went all out. My favorite Casinos were the Venetian, Treasure Island and Luxor (which I didn't to go into but was still able to take pictures.) The Venetian was insane! Inside the ceiling had clouds and it was like walking outside in Italy and they even had a river running through the "mini" city with gondolas!

We even saw a couple get married on one of the arches as gondola's went under it which was pretty cool, some of the couple's family were there and a crowd surrounded the area clapping and cheering. It made me smile (and made me even consider getting married there if wedding planning becomes too much for me! lol!).

While my dad went to work for a few hours, I laid out by the pool which was usually empty when I went out to visit. The pool was incredible, probably the most amazing pool I have ever seen. It had two hot tubs shaded under Palm Trees, while the pool had a small waterfall you could lay under or jump into. I know it may sound crazy, but I preferred the hot tub. It was about 106-108 degrees every day, but I didn't mind the heat! I would lay in the hot tub for a bit then get out, listen to music or read. It was great! I read the first Hunger Games book at the pool and honestly I wasn't that impressed. The world it was set in was very interesting, but besides that..really didn't enjoy it that killing kids. Okay? lol. I might read it again, who knows maybe I'll like it better. Anyway, I don't know what it is about getaways and vacations but they really make you think about things.

While I stayed at the pool for those few hours every day I thought what was going in my life, what I had did in the past few months, the past year, what I've done since I graduated. It was nice reflecting on myself and even my future, but it also made me a little bit disappointed in what I haven't done and it made me want to focus on more things that I want to do..while I can still do them.

More than ever though, being in Vegas made me miss Eric more than usual. Couples were everywhereg and even though most of the time I ignore them and look the other way, I couldn't do that in Sin City...they were literally everywhere. And it made me sad that my marine wasn't there with me.

I really hope I can go back with Eric someday and enjoy/explore Vegas more. It was a wonderful experience and I know for a fact I belong in the West!

Now off to the beach Tuesday!

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