Monday, July 30, 2012

Flash forward

I cannot believe that July is almost over, I am in serious shock! I do not want July to be over, I do not want it to be August because it just means that I'll have to go back to Kent. Do I miss Kent? Yes! Do I miss all the stress that comes with it? No! This semester should be an awesome one! I'm taking 4 history classes, Japanese and a Nutrition class that counts as a science. Hopefully I won't lose my mind over those classes; the only thing I'm really worried about is my living situation...considering my last 2 roommates went completely psycho on me.

Another thing that surprises me is time, usually in summer time becomes slower for me..long drags of just nothing. But not this summer, time is flying by! It probably didn't help that I was gone for a month, but then again its worth it! I still have a lot to do, my room is getting there but its not to a point where I can paint it..that needs to get done because I am not living another year here staring at fading, purple flower wallpaper, nope!

I am also happy to announce that I'll be opening a shop called Amorette's Grotto where I'll selling homemade jewelry among other crafty things. I want to get some items made this week and open the shop hopefully sometime this week. I'm very excited about it too, I've always wanted to do something like this! I'll be posting links to shop very soon :)

Eric has been busy with training a lot more than usual lately, the night he got back to Japan...he had two hours of sleep before he was flying back to Fuji for a training operation. Crazy huh? But he seems to be doing well, complains and rants to me every now and then, but I don't mind. I do wish we could call each other and actually have a normal conversation, but considering the net can't keep us connected its highly unlike that I'll hear him before December. I missed him a lot last week, the first 7 days is always the hardest for some reason. I'm excited for him to come home for a long period of time, I'm excited he'll 2 states away from me, I'm excited that we will be able to text and call again and I'm excited to marry him. However with the way certain people have been acting we might elope before next July, so who knows! lol.

Summer is fading and I need to make things happen!

Flash forward and we’re taking on the world together,& there’s a drawer of my things at your place. You learn my secrets and you figure out why I’m guarded, you say we’ll never make my parents’ mistakes.

You are the best thing, thats ever been mine~

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