Monday, October 27, 2014

What I learned when I was 22.

1. Owning a house is serious business.
2. Never trust women, age doesn't matter. Be careful.
3. Bad things will happen at the worst time, for example your car acting up randomly.
4. Naps are okay and you shouldn't be ashamed of how tired you are.
5. Nothing goes according to plan, and that is okay.
6. Plan ahead and have a backup plan, actually have several back up plans.
7. Don't wait to do things last minute.
8. Try not to yell.
9. People change even people you've known them for years.
10. People leave and you have to accept that.
11. Best friends can stab you in the back without blinking an eye
12. Trust no one.
13. Painting is very therapeutic.
14. Trying to be patient when you are an impatient person to begin with is quite idiotic.
15. Relax.
16. Fighting sucks, but working through something and making up after is worth it.
17. It's okay to feel lost.
18. Don't buy something unless you love it.
19. Take time out of your day to read, always.
20. Write more.
21. Have more lazy days.
22. Dream often, you'll get there someday.

I'm not sure what 23 will be like, but I hope I grow more, become a better version of myself, learn more and maybe...get some of my dreams and goals checked off my list.

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