Tuesday, December 31, 2013


驀進 is the Japanese kanji for the word "rush" and "dash."  I chose this kanji for the title of this post because for the past 2 months, November & December, I have felt nothing but rushed.

I guess the biggest thing to discuss in this post is me being sick for an entire month. In early November, my military doctor put me on a Vitamin D supplement to take once a week because ever since I started college four years, I have really tired for some reason. And not just tired tired feeling, but being tired even though I slept 14 hours tired. So once I was assigned to my military doctor, she ran tests on me and tested my blood and came to find out that was no Vitamin D in my system, to the point where the blood specialist had a hard time finding any Vitamin D in my blood. So naturally my doctor gave me a supplement of 50,000 mg of Vitamin D.

So a week passed, Eric & I came home for Thanksgiving and all of a sudden...I was in pain, intense burning pain. This might be TMI (too much information) and I apologize, but I had to pee all the time and it hurt badly. I tried to fight it for as long as I could taking over the counter drugs, but it got to the point where I needed to go see a doctor. So after we got home from Ohio, I saw another doctor (my personal doctor wasn't available at the time.) and told her what was going and she gave antibiotics for a few days and sent me on my way. I took the antibiotics and they worked for awhile but as soon as the medicine was gone, I was in even more pain than before. Eric took me to the ER and we were there for 6 hours; the ER doctor thought it was an infection with a UTI so they gave me an IV with fluids and antibiotics. He then talked to us about staying the night to be watched, so the in patient doctors came in, checked me out...and then the ER doctor and the in patient doctors argued over 3 hours whether I should stay or not. No, I am not kidding.

They also had to put an IV in my hand, I was NOT happy. 
Its been almost 2 weeks and my hand STILL hurts. No joke.

I was sent home and given a bunch of antibiotics and for once the pain stopped. However once again, when the medicine ran out, the "infection" came back and it came with a vengeance.  So Eric ran me back to the hospital and they tested me again and my infection was pretty much cleared up my PH was at  4. Not only did I have that going on, they tested me for the flu and I had the flu on top of everything else. 

So to make this long story short, I was getting sick because of the 50,000 mg of vitamin D I was taking. And you want to know who figured this all out? Not the Navy or their doctors, nope....my husband did. In his own words this what caused me to be sick:

"So here is actually what happens, her body normally doesnt use much vitamin D as she has been used to this for a while, she is always drinking milk because her body craves the calcium but without the proper amounts of vitamin D and magnisium in her system already, her body cannot utilize the calcium from her diet. now lets say that you take 1000mg dosage of vitamin d per day to make up from your lack of sunlight in the northern states. the provider put Katy on a 50,000 IU dosage once a week. what this is doing, is the moment all that available vitamin d hits the system her body goes, whoa i got the building blocks for repairing her bones, quick lets draw all the calcuim and magnisium from her food and bloodstream and repair bone with it. this is all fine and dandy except for what happens when you draw all the calcium out of your bloodstream rapidly. calcium has one more good purpose in the body, and that is to maintain the PH balance of your urine. now when you suddenly have no calcium to expel from your system, your urine becomes extremely acidic without the calcium base to neutralize it. so in turn if you take heavy vitamin d dosages and don't balance with a calcium supplement, you are going to pee acid. Not fun. After reading her file, I noticed the start of her symptoms occurred around the same time her vitamin d therapy started, so I looked up vitamin d toxicity and other side effects of the therapy."

That was a conversation he had with someone on Facebook while he was explaining what was going on, 7 doctors along with my own doctor and a specialist could not figure out what was wrong with me....but my husband did. My hero! :) 
So I stopped taking the Vitamin D and I am feeling like myself again, just in time for Christmas!

Speaking of Christmas, everything this year was just so, so crazy and busy. It was just all a blur and rush to me, it was a nice Christmas but at the same time everything went by so fast that I feel like I didn't really get to enjoy it. Next year will be very different, I'm sure.

2013...wasn't really a good year, besides getting married to Eric it was a bust. I don't know if it was a bad year because it was an odd number year, but...it just wasn't a good year! I want 2014 to mean something, I want 2014 to be a good year. And for once, I want to finish the resolutions I make, instead of making them and forgetting them later on. 

1. Lose 50 lbs, I can't stand the way I look. So its back to Weight Watchers, eating clean & working out.
2. I want to spend less time on electronics. 
3. Travel somewhere new.
4. Open my online shop.
5. Learn how to sew.
6. Cosplay/make my own clothes for the cosplay.
7. Finish more Pinterest projects.
8. Work on my anxiety more.
9. Get all A's & B's Spring Semester
10. Go to the beach more. 
11. Update my blogger more.
12. Spend as much time as I can with Eric. 

I love the idea of starting over with a clean slate, it means hope for a better day in my opinion. So as I finish my last blog post for 2013, I'll finish off with one of my favorite lyrics of all time:

"Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year." 

Eric & I got married a year ago today :) 

Happy New Year readers!!!